Thursday, November 20, 2008

One-Eye! Two-Eyes! Three-Eyes!: A Very Grimm Fairy Tale

Title: One-Eye! Two-Eyes! Three-Eyes!: A Very Grimm Fairy Tale.

Source: School Library Journal; Apr2008 Curriculum Connection, Vol. 54, p33-33, 1/8p

Abstract: The article reviews the audiobook "One-Eye! Two-Eyes! Three-Eyes!: A Very Grimm Fairy Tale," retold by Aaron Shepard, narrated by Ann Scobie, with a book illustrated by Gary Clement.

Review : A woman had three daughters: The eldest had one eye in the middle of her forehead, the second had two eyes like ordinary people, the third had two eyes like ordinary people and a third in the middle of her forehead.

Rapunzel and Other Magic Fairy Tales

Title: Rapunzel and Other Magic Fairy Tales

Authors: Scheps, Susan

Source: School Library Journal; Jul2008, Vol. 54 Issue 7, p117-117, 1/4p

Abstract: The article reviews the book "Rapunzel and Other Magic Fairy Tales," selected by Henriette Sauvant.

Review : A childless couple who wanted a child lived next to a walled garden which belonged to an enchantress. The wife, as a result of her long-awaited pregnancy, noticed some rapunzel plant (or, in some versions of the story, radishes or lamb's lettuce), planted in the garden and longed for it to the point of death.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Wings: A Fairy Tale.

Title: Wings: A Fairy Tale

Authors: Phelan, Carolyn

Source: Booklist; 5/15/2008, Vol. 104 Issue 18, p60, 1p

Abstract: Reviews the book "A Fairy Tale: Wings" by E.D. Baker

Review: When Tamisin discovers real wings growing from her back she wants to know what is making her supposedly normal life so weird.

The Golden Slipper: An Ancient Egyptian Fairy Tale and Cinderella

Title: The Golden Slipper: An Ancient Egyptian Fairy Tale and Cinderella.

Authors: Williams, Bina

Source: Booklist; 4/1/2008, Vol. 104 Issue 15, p78, 1p

Abstract: Reviews the book "An Ancient Egyptian Fairy Tale and Cinderella: The Golden Slipper" by Saviour Pirotta

Review : Once there was a widower who for his second wife, married a proud and haughty woman. She had two daughters, who were equally vain. By his first wife, he had a beautiful young daughter who was a girl of unparalleled goodness and sweet temper.

The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Folktales and Fairy Tales.

Title: The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Folktales & Fairy Tales

Authors: McBroom, Kathleen

Abstract: Reviews the book "The Greenwood Encyclopedia of Folktales and Fairy Tales" by Donald Haase

Review : This unique three-volume set is an important addition to folklore and fairy-tale studies as it offers for the first time an encyclopedic introduction to the scholarship of this flourishing field.

The Frog King

Author : Adam Davies
Paperback: 316 pages
Publisher: Riverhead Trade; 1 edition (August 6, 2002)
Language: English

Review : the story seems to center on the relationship of a young couple, one half of that couple is incapable of expressing love. Much as she tries, the young lover cannot turn her frog into a prince.

Seven Ravens

Author : H. Sauvant
Publisher: North-South (September 1, 1995)
Language: English

Review : a father's idle curse turns seven brothers into ravens, and their young sister, feeling responsible, sets out to find them.